Health & Safety

CRT regards health and safety as of paramount importance. CRT operates a strict health and safety policy and ensures this is always adhered to.  All appropriate health and safety documentation have been compiled to meet the requirements of the CDM regulations 2007.

We adopt safe working practices in all our works with project specific method statements and risk assessment being implemented on all our contracts. All of our operatives are CSCS registered and it is the policy of this Company to ensure that all reasonable and practicable measures are taken to ensure the health and safety of all its employees, the general public and any other person who may be adversely affected by the Company’s operations.

The Company carries out many operations where safety must be a prime consideration and where the full satisfaction of legal requirements may not necessarily be sufficient. Therefore, all employees who authorize work to be carried out at any time must ensure that all aspects of health and safety are taken into consideration fully when formulating their instructions.

Suitable and adequate measures will be taken to safeguard any person, plant, equipment, property, material or product likely to be exposed to any known or suspected hazards associated with or arising out of the processes, tasks or operations being undertaken.


The Company will consider, at tendering stage, those factors which help to eliminate injury, damage and waste. This will include the provision of adequate funding and resources to enable these policy requirements to be carried out.


The Company undertakes to provide such information, instruction and training as is necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety at work of all its employees.

The company health and safety file are available on request.